Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday Fun Night

My" Thursday night horse exercise team has been doing such a great job, I thought it was time for a fun night! 

We had pizza, played some games, "won" ribbons and ate Julianna's awesome cake (although on the drive home she said she wouldn't/couldn't guarantee no food poisoning!). 

We did some barrel "racing", egg & spoon and a sensory trail/memory game (hmmm, the success of this game was sketchy, we will have to figure out how to make this game a little better).  I think/hope everyone had fun.  They said they did.  They looked like they did!

Thanks to the whole team, those that were at fun night and those that couldn't make it.  We couldn't take care of these horses and facility without you!

red light green light


  1. Wow! Thursday night was a lot of fun! To this day I am so astonished that I actually won Barrel Racing and got 1st place! All thanks to my awesome potential for barrels and thanks to my barrel racer companion, KatieSolei! THANKS SOLEI! YOU'RE THE BEST!
    I loved playing all those games! We should have more game nights! It was all great! Great snack, great horses and great games! It was truly a hit! Thanks everyone!

  2. Julianna & Zorrian The GreatJuly 13, 2010 at 6:23 PM

    Well, we all know Zorrian will one day take over the world. Until then, he says taht saying mares only was a little unfair, besides, he had the purple saddle, he could have very well passed as one. Oh well. Great fun night, next time I propose we do a walk/trot equation type thing. Zo would surely win that(only horse that has an english besides Lilly)

    -Julianna & Zorrrian The Great :)

  3. typo, taht is that, typing a bit fast, and the amp thing, something happened

  4. The food was great, the horses were great, the games were fun, the prizes were neat, but I stayed up half the night playing with my glow sticks. :-D Thanks Lesle!
